Digital Graph IT

Digital Graph IT provides innovative Enterprise Work Management solutions

Your digital ecosytem is growing faster than your capacity to drive your operational excellence

We can help

Have you ever wondered about these questions?

Many companies ignore these problems, but by solving them you will get much more; you will empower your digital ecosystem.


How To Reconcile operational performance with fast growing digital ecosystems ?


How To Understand digital ecosystems through its assets, its interdependencies, its operational historic ?


How To Optimise operational activities through a better context awareness ?


Out of sync

Operational Awareness

Poor Quality of

Digital Culture

Budget and Deadlines

Ignoring these issues leads to such symptoms

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We propose you
an integrated and open solution


Digital Ecosystem Asset Repository & Operation Management System


Content Centric : powerfull features for searching and visualizing your assets, your operations, and their interdependencies.

User Centric : our solution is deeply scalable as it enables teams autonomy and unifies teams interactions. It empowers easy, fast, and consistent evolutions driven by user needs.

Added Values

1. Operations Excellence

As each operation is linked with assets, the operator context is much more accurate. This context awareness improves a lot operations effectiveness.

2. Unified Digital Culture

A common view on company assets like process, organization, software, data, infrastructure is shared between stakeholder and operations

3. Fact based decision

Both world, operational effectiveness and decision boards interact through asset insights & operation management

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Ecosystem & Operations
From antinomy to synergy

Managing Assets often lead trying to define a moving and growing target. Operations excellence often suffer from a lack of knowledge on the operated assets. We provide solution that reconcialiate assets and operations management.

Your ecosystem

Multiple assets drived by interaction

Your activities

A mesh of requirements empowering Quality Of Service
User Experience

Your ecosystem +
Your activities

Knowing the assets of your ecosystem accelerates and makes the conduct of your activities more reliable.

What we Offer


We first need to understand one of your operational pain or challenge. The prototype we build with you provides an operational solution to this concern.


We focus on your teams autonomy. By building the prototype with you, we share our experience and our skills.


When the prototype operationnal value is validated, the next step objective is to integrate this solution to your production environment.


When our solution run on you production environment, we ensure our solution continuity of service.

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See it
in action

Watch an on-demand Digital Graph IT demo and gain insight for an innovative digital foundations, that support business-outcome-driven technology investment planning and prioritizations.

Added Values


Asset repository

What enables your business; your organization, your process, your data, your infrastructure defines your digital ecosystem. We provide simple and powerfull solutions for managing all your assets.


Interdependencies analysis

We deliver full text search, intuitive visualization, and powerfull request language for exploring assets, operations and interdependencies.


Asset historic & Activity context

Our solutions enable asset awareness for managing your operations. For instance, creating an order relates to many assets as a customer, a product, a service, etc..


Unified reporting

We provide visual cockpits that cover managing operations and driving asset evolutions. Our reporting solutions offer simple and synthetic views on asset historic and operation context. Copy
